rico credit system 0

The Rico Credit System (RCS) in its end state issues a stable-value, credibly neutral debt unit called a stability primitive.

Rico Credit System 0 (RCS0) shows some important steps toward an ossified stability primitive. See principles for a discussion of some high-level guiding principles.

Key features that might be new to some are hook, log-scale tick, single-step, and feed.


Rico emphasizes minimalism. This makes it easier to audit and to understand the entire system at once. Everyone using the system should understand all the components and how they fit together. Also, in our experience it speeds up research and development, as the more you delete the less you have to refactor when adding new features.

There are three core components:

And two auxiliary components, defined by interface:

There are two tokens:


Vat is the main CDP accounting module. It holds collateral tokens and mints/burns rico.

The vat module can:

The vat calls out to the hook subsystem to determine if a CDP is safe. The hook calls out to feed to get price data.

Rico approve is generally unnecessary, as vat and hook use Gem mint and burn instead of transferFrom.


Vow balances system surplus and deficit. It provides an extra backstop for bad debt with mint-and-sell (flop), which is offset by the buy-and-burn from interest charged (flap).

There are three big conceptual differences from equivalent mechanics in previous systems.

RISK is the buy/burn and mint/sell token. On flop, vow mints and sells RISK for Rico. On flap, vow auctions off surplus Rico for RISK, which is burned.

Rico and RISK approve is generally unnecessary, as vow uses Gem mint and burn instead of transferFrom.

The vow module can:

single-step auctions

Rico development focuses on eventual ossification. See principles for why this is important. To ossify, Rico must have incentive structures that hold up under adverse market conditions. It’s not sufficient to pay janitors a set fee to kick off a standing auction, as under congestion the fee might not be sufficient.

A Rico auction starts when the necessary conditions are met and a taker finds it profitable to fill. The taker’s reward is a discount computed based on the system’s need to fill the auction. Saving some details, the discount is proportional to:

Effectively, the system acts as a simple agent that considers its own risk when pricing the asset. This allows for a simpler auction mechanism that acts more rationally without needing a backdoor.


Vox is the par price adjustment mechanism.

The par price is the system’s internal definition of the price of the synthetic in terms of some external reference asset. Since there’s no global settlement, some might find it easier to understand par as a global multiplier used to calculate collateral requirements.

The rate of change of par, called way, is the primary monetary lever of the system used to balance supply and demand. It’s adjusted automatically when Rico’s market price in terms of REF, the external reference asset, deviates from par.

Changes in this price rate adjust the present value of the asset in the same way that changes in the interest rate on a variable rate bond adjusts its present value. This is in contrast to using the quantity rate or fee, which is a per-collateral-type risk parameter which should be understood more like an insurance fee.

The main advantage of this model is that price rate be negative (way < 1), which gives the system the ability to deal with “squeezes” or “hoarding” without the problem of the quantity rate zero bound, the inability of the bank to charge a negative quantity rate in a sustainable manner. In other words, the system can make the effective rate of borrowing vs the external reference asset negative while still maintaining positive cashflow for the system.

Vox calls the feed subsystem to find the market price of rico in terms of REF, adjusts way depending on the difference between the market price and par, and prorates par according to way.

The vox module can:

clamped log-scale tick controller

Rico vox uses a capped log-scale tick controller. Many might be used to earlier target rate feedback mechanisms which used linear-scale PI or PID controllers.

A tick controller is an integral controller. An integral controller doesn’t have a proportional term. This means the price rate does not generally change based on short-term market conditions, instead changing based on prolonged differences between market price and par price.

A tick controller “ticks” up or down a constant amount in response to stimuli. On poke, Rico vox raises or lowers the price rate by a constant sensitivity parameter, accumulated over the time between pokes.

Rico vox is log-scale because its sensitivity parameter is a multiplier, not an addend. This means that vox could be thought of as controlling the log of the price rate on linear scale, or the price rate on log scale. vox is log-scale instead of linear so that controller corrections more accurately line up with market behavior; for example, arbitrageurs care more about a par change from 1 to 2 than a change from 100 to 101.

Rico vox clamps the price rate to minimum and maximum values to prevent excessive windup.

vox roughly multiplies the price rate by the sensitivity each second par exceeds market price (denominated in REF), and divides the price rate by the sensitivity each second market price exceeds par.


vat is collateral-agnostic. For example, it’s not generally sufficient to encode ink as a single uint, or to pair a collateral type with a single uint price feed. Rico separates these and other collateral-specific design decisions into hook. vat only includes operations that are relevant to all collateral types. For any new collateral type, if there’s no existing hook, the programmer can write a new hook.

hook contains collateral-specific integrations. Each collateral type has a hook, and some collateral types can use the same hook. For example, an ERC20 hook would lock up or free collateral tokens on frob and send them to the keeper on bail.

hook implements:

In previous (pre-hook) systems, the vat was carefully designed to perform all logic without external calls. This rule adds unnecessary complexity that fails to fully address the issues created by such dependencies, so it’s relaxed in Rico hook. frob and bail both have reentrancy locks.


Feed is the subsystem responsible for providing price feeds. Feedbase is a generic object that serves as a point of coordination that makes it easier to compose various receivers, adapters, and combinators.

A receiver is a contract that verifies the signature on a signed message obtained off-chain. This is how market prices from spot exchanges should be read – the oracle is the data source. An adapter is a contract that simply copies data from an existing on-chain feed into Feedbase.
A combinator is a contract that combines data.

Feeds can be either read or written depending on the source implementation. Each feed is defined by a (src, tag) pair, where src is the oracle address and tag is the feed ID. When pulling feed data, Feedbase will either call read to compute a fresh oracle output, or fetch a previously written output. It’s up to the developer which is best. RCS0 feeds all call read, but if this changes, keepers will call feed.poke before frob and vox.poke so that pull fetches recent data.

Feedbase is a labor of love that doesn’t define any incentive. Such design decisions are left to the caller.


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